Coronavirus lockdowns have unexpected Climate benifits

COVID-19 : The Financial distaster World Climate is benifiting from Coronavirus : climate change is having its own benifits .People must stay at home everywhere in the world, factories closed, airport paralyzed. While Coronavirus is provoking a very bad economic crisis is also creating some surprising climate benefits. Indeed, the measures the governments took forced

National lockdown and solidarity : how Italy is coping with Coronavirus

Italians rediscover national unity and regard for the rules amid Lockdown How Coronavirus originated On December 31st last year, China alerted the World Health Organization of numerous cases of pneumonia discovered in the densely populated province of Hubei. Several of those infected were undoubtedly workers at the huge Seafood Market in Wuhan. On January 7th, Chinese

Piazza navona is baroque perfection

The history Piazza Navona is pure baroque perfection. It is certainly among the most famous Piazzas in Rome and one of the most famous in the world. Pope Innocent X Phampilij decided to build a huge square on the site of the former Stadium of Domitian. The Stadium was built in 79 AD and was the main venue for foot-races in Rome. In the 15th century the oval square

Pope Francis defies the Lockdown to pray for an end to the Coronavirus

Is this the Black Plague or the Coronavirus? A peculiar event happened on Sunday afternoon in Rome's deserted streets. Pope Francis walked along the huge artery of Via del Corso, which splits the city center in two. Once noisy and crowded, at this time deserted and surreally quiet. The head of the Catholic Church privately left the Vatican to visit Basilica

Sports in Rome

It's pretty a sure thing, when someone is planning a trip to the Eternal City, Culture and Food are the key words! Nobody will miss a walking tour alonside the most popular sites such as Colosseum or Vatican Museums&Sistine Chapel.  Another must is having an Italian dinner in a cozy tavern perhaps in Trastevere! As well as that Rome is a lively capital and

Raphael: The Prince of Painters

THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF RAPHAEL'S DEATH "ILLE HIC EST RAPHAEL TIMUIT QUO SOSPITE VINCI RERUM MAGNA PARENS ET MORIENTE MORI" This is the Latin epitaph on Raphael's grave in Pantheon , translated then by Thomas Hardy : "Here’s one in whom Nature feared – faint at such vying – /Eclipse while he lived, and decease at his dying" Raphael died in Rome on April


THE WEEKEND HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! Raise your hand if you don't enjoy a well- deserved relaxing time on Saturdays and Sundays, abandoning the weekday frenzy! I must confess that despite being a southern girl, I am a terrible chef and very lazy when it comes to cooking ( even more on Sundays! ).  Since I've moved to Rome I discovered the faboulous and trendy concept

The Maritozzo: Bread of the Romans

If you’ve already been to Rome and you’ve never heard of Maritozzo, you missed out on the true essence of Roman life. Wondering now what a Maritozzo is? The answer is as simple as its ingredients and all encompassing as its usage. The Maritozzo can be breakfast, dessert, and late snack: all in one. It’s the daily bread of the Romans since preindustrial times whereby

Discovering Rome: Via Giulia

In the Trastevere disctict, there is one of the most renowned and loved street of Rome: Via Giulia. Via Giulia, or strada magistralis, is considered one of the main Roman roads. Running in the very core of the historical center of Rome, it is the most autenthic example of urban Renaissance. The street owes its name to the Pope Julius II, who planned this area with

New Year’s Eve celebrations in Italy

All around the world, New Year's Eve Celebrations are a huge event. Following the Gregorian Calendar, the new year starts the 1st January. Every country has its own traditions; in Italy we have several, too. We consider this day as a new beginning, leaving behind the past. To be honest,  follow all the traditions connected to New Year's celebrations could be stressful.