Italian philosophy of life in contrasts (p. 4): Lido di Ostia – Rome’s peace of mind

Introduction to Rome can begin in different ways. Some try to explore all the iconic and most famous landmarks from the very first day, while others seek to escape the hustle of the city, avoiding the tourist traps and discovering a less popular corner of Rome. A place where diversity, atmosphere, and contrasts come to life, where Rome sheds the mask of eternal movement

Best Beaches Near Rome

Visitors to Rome, Italy often ask - what are the best beaches near Rome? While it's true that the city of Rome isn't very far from the Mediterranean coast (and therefore beaches) -- often those beaches leave travelers disappointed. The closest beaches to Rome are Fregene, Ostia and Fiumicino. Like most "city" beaches near major commercial ports they don't boast gorgeous

Things to do in Sperlonga Italy

As a summer destination, Sperlonga beach couldn't be more perfect. One of the many beaches near Rome to choose from, it has long been a favorite. Just look up the best beaches near Rome on Google. Any article you come across will surely give Sperlonga Beach a mention. How could they not? Beyond the sparkling-clean waters and white-washed village dominating the bay - there