Italian philosophy of life in contrasts (p. 13): Basilica di San Paolo Fuori le Mura

A little away from the center of Rome, you always discover new unique landmarks that many might not know about. "Roma non è una città come le altre. È un grande museo, un salotto da attraversare in punta di piedi" (Rome is not a city like any other. It is a vast museum, a salon to be crossed on tiptoe.) Behind the old city walls lies the Basilica di San

Italian philosophy of life in contrasts (p. 12): Castel Sant’Angelo

Speaking of the contrasts of Rome, one cannot fail to mention Castel Sant’Angelo. A unique fortress in Rome connected to the Vatican by a secret passage. For almost 2000 years, the structure has held rich historical significance as a mausoleum, Papal residence, treasury, museum, castle, and even a prison. The history dates back to 130 AD when the Roman Emperor

Discovering Christmas Sweets in Italy

With Christmas almost here, it has arrived the moment to honor our culinary culture. In fact, after the decorating moment the second step concerns the food, which plays an important role - most particularly, the sweets. From the North to the South, all the Italians sweets are delicious, but when it's Christmas… My friend, Christmas sweets are on a whole new level! Let’s