Italian philosophy of life in contrasts (p. 15): Pasqua

Very soon, with the early arrival of spring in late March, families in Italy will gather together, exchange chocolate eggs, and cut "Colomba" on the festive table. What event is approaching? Settimana Santa (Holy Week), followed by Easter! In Italy, this is not just another holiday but a special time to honor ancient traditions and customs. This significant religious

Italian philosophy of life in contrasts (p. 14): Temple of All Gods

The amazing structure imbued with the spirit of ancient Rome is located in the heart of Piazza della Rotonda. The modern Pantheon in Rome was built in the 2nd century AD and later consecrated as a Catholic church. The ancient temple was dedicated to the Roman Gods, celebrating the grandeur of the Roman Empire. The first Temple of All Gods (translated from Greek)

Italian philosophy of life in contrasts (p. 13): Basilica di San Paolo Fuori le Mura

A little away from the center of Rome, you always discover new unique landmarks that many might not know about. "Roma non è una città come le altre. È un grande museo, un salotto da attraversare in punta di piedi" (Rome is not a city like any other. It is a vast museum, a salon to be crossed on tiptoe.) Behind the old city walls lies the Basilica di San

Italian philosophy of life in contrasts (p. 10): Fontana di Trevi – wish fulfiller (1)

The majestic Fontana di Trevi is a true architectural gem of Rome. This enormous, elegant, and realistic marble monument is located at the intersection of streets where one would not expect to find it. The fountain was built in Rome in the 18th century, but its origins date back much earlier. In the 20s BCE, Emperor Octavianus Augustus and his associate Marcus Vipsanius

Pope Francis defies the Lockdown to pray for an end to the Coronavirus

Is this the Black Plague or the Coronavirus? A peculiar event happened on Sunday afternoon in Rome's deserted streets. Pope Francis walked along the huge artery of Via del Corso, which splits the city center in two. Once noisy and crowded, at this time deserted and surreally quiet. The head of the Catholic Church privately left the Vatican to visit Basilica


Hi Folks! My name is Roberta, a southern blondie giraffe based in Rome. HOW I COULD START??? I have been working in Tourism for a while, I am a traveler and when my boss asked me to write on this blog I had no idea, I was quite scared, asking myself oh my gosh would I be capable of doing this? How I could be engaging ? Nowadays bloggers have became professionals

Tip of the Week: The Italian Elections are coming!

  Did you know that on the 4th of March, Italy will be helding general elections? Italians are asked to vote after 5 years of several technical governments, in a climate of absolute uncertainty not only from the political point of view, considering the new undefinable electoral law, but also from the point of the massive popular discontent. Indeed, Italy has one

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells… It’s Christmas in Italy!

Yes, it is that time of the year! Lights, trees, music, sweets, gifts, shopping like pros… While all the children are filling up their gift lists, all the parents are getting crazy to organize everything. Christmas in Italy is pretty serious! THE BEGINNING OF EVERYTHING The tradition marks the beginning of Christmas Holidays on Dec 8th, with the day of “Immacolata”

Italian Coffee Culture: a Guide for Non-Italians

Some coffee insight on Italian coffee culture for non-Italians visiting Rome. First of all “ Starbucks “ does NOT exist here. There is one place that is a slight imitation of Starbucks called “ Busters Coffee“ , but this is the exception not the norm. However if you are looking for a morning coffee in Italy first off look for a sign that says “ BAR “, don’t