Italian philosophy of life in contrasts (p. 8): Trastevere – authentic Roman neighborhood

”Prendi solo ricordi, lascia solo tracce“ "Take only memories, leave only footprints" Lido di Ostia, Ostia Antica involuntarily awaken the desire to still abstract from the historical center with its majestic architecture and continue to see Rome as cozy, warm, and authentic. The Trastevere district is located south of the Vatican,

Italian philosophy of life in contrasts (p. 6): Tulip Park

The contrasts of Rome manifest in many of its cultural peculiarities, landmarks, traditions, as well as in its "external appearance." Every spring, Rome transforms, shedding the last cold days and literally blossoming. "In che modo riconosci la bellezza? Ascolto i fiori quando parlano al cielo" “How do you recognize beauty? I listen to the flowers when they

Italian philosophy of life in contrasts (p. 4): Lido di Ostia – Rome’s peace of mind

Introduction to Rome can begin in different ways. Some try to explore all the iconic and most famous landmarks from the very first day, while others seek to escape the hustle of the city, avoiding the tourist traps and discovering a less popular corner of Rome. A place where diversity, atmosphere, and contrasts come to life, where Rome sheds the mask of eternal movement

Rome rethinks mobility amid health crisis : we go eco!

Every cloud has a silver lining : Rome rethinks mobility amid Covid crisis and finds new mobility solutions. After the scare and the high number of deaths, Rome is in the process of rethinking itself as a european capital. Covid-19 has brought issues to the table, that were long overdue. Rome was never big on road conditions and new mobility solutions. Its intricate