The Airbnb Revolution

As a traveller I can define myself halfway between a bagpacker and a comfort lover. I have been working in tourism for years. Such as an insider if there is one thing I really do not like it's " where everybody goes, or the aseptic environment found in a room of large chain hotels, or the most popular restaurant on Tripadvisor. . All my trips have been entirely tailor-made:

Raphael: The Prince of Painters

THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF RAPHAEL'S DEATH "ILLE HIC EST RAPHAEL TIMUIT QUO SOSPITE VINCI RERUM MAGNA PARENS ET MORIENTE MORI" This is the Latin epitaph on Raphael's grave in Pantheon , translated then by Thomas Hardy : "Here’s one in whom Nature feared – faint at such vying – /Eclipse while he lived, and decease at his dying" Raphael died in Rome on April

What are you doing for New Years’ Eve?

What are you doing for New Year's Eve? This is the question you may have been asked most since Christmas. Have to say it is pretty stressful indeed! I have always decided at last second how to spend my last night of the year! New Year's Eve in Rome is an event to try once in a lifetime. The Eternal City is a magical scenario to celebrate this special night. That's

Easter Time in Italy

Can’t wait to eat Easter chocolate eggs? Try also our EcoArt exclusive Menu for Easter! Easter is coming! Easter is a Christian festival which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.According to the New Testament, Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday, and came back to life three days later. It is a very special festivity for Christians and especially

Segway as a green and environmentally-friendly vehicle

Did you know that Segway is considered as a green vehicle? It means that produces less harmful impacts to the environment than comparable conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. Benefits Segway Tours have many benefits, including environmental, health and informative. Environmental benefits regard the fact that Segway, as zero-emission machinery, contributes

Tip of the Week: The Italian Elections are coming!

  Did you know that on the 4th of March, Italy will be helding general elections? Italians are asked to vote after 5 years of several technical governments, in a climate of absolute uncertainty not only from the political point of view, considering the new undefinable electoral law, but also from the point of the massive popular discontent. Indeed, Italy has one