From one hipster to another… neighbourhood, that is.

Monti - Rome About a decade ago my (now Expat) sister and I packed our backpacks and moved to Rome together. Shortly after arrival our apartment karma kicked in. We found ourselves residing in a gorgeous apartment right across from the Colosseum in a neighborhood called Monti, Rome. I remember our late night gelati in the Fontana di Piazza della Madonna, frequenting the

My favourite places to visit in Rome

First time I came, I immediately fell in love with this city. My first thought? “This is the place where I want to live”. My name is Elena and I am from a little town called Alessandria, in the north of Italy. It's been 2 years since my arrival in Rome; as you can imagine, my lifestyle and habits were totally different from those I found here! Now I can almost

Uber Tour in Rome

What's Uber? Before we talk about Uber TOUR in Rome, first we must talk about Uber. If you haven't heard of UBER by now, you've probably been living under a rock. The company has been all over the headlines, both positive & negative - with articles ranging in topic from tests with self-driving cars to the war with taxi drivers (of which Rome is a current stage) to

SCIOPERO! What to do when there’s a strike in Rome.

SCIOPERO. The word makes me shiver whenever I hear it. Traffic. Chaos. The entire public transportation system thrown into question. Flights delayed or cancelled. No taxis to get around. It sounds like a nightmare, but a strike in Rome, as all around Italy - it is a very real problem. It's also very common. If you happen to be in Rome when there is a strike, or know

5 Things You Should Never Ask Your Italian Waiter for Fear of Being Ridiculed

I have to admit where this post comes from. I love eating, and eating well. But my stomach just doesn't hold large quantities of food at a single time. This puts me in quite the pickle when eating out in Italy. Portions in Italy are smaller than they are in the US, but still generous. I usually end up getting tricked into partaking of some appetizers (antipasti), which

Best Beaches Near Rome

Visitors to Rome, Italy often ask - what are the best beaches near Rome? While it's true that the city of Rome isn't very far from the Mediterranean coast (and therefore beaches) -- often those beaches leave travelers disappointed. The closest beaches to Rome are Fregene, Ostia and Fiumicino. Like most "city" beaches near major commercial ports they don't boast gorgeous