Discovering Rome: Via Giulia

In the Trastevere disctict, there is one of the most renowned and loved street of Rome: Via Giulia. Via Giulia, or strada magistralis, is considered one of the main Roman roads. Running in the very core of the historical center of Rome, it is the most autenthic example of urban Renaissance. The street owes its name to the Pope Julius II, who planned this area with

New Year’s Eve celebrations in Italy

All around the world, New Year's Eve Celebrations are a huge event. Following the Gregorian Calendar, the new year starts the 1st January. Every country has its own traditions; in Italy we have several, too. We consider this day as a new beginning, leaving behind the past. To be honest,  follow all the traditions connected to New Year's celebrations could be stressful.

Discovering Christmas Sweets in Italy

With Christmas almost here, it has arrived the moment to honor our culinary culture. In fact, after the decorating moment the second step concerns the food, which plays an important role - most particularly, the sweets. From the North to the South, all the Italians sweets are delicious, but when it's Christmas… My friend, Christmas sweets are on a whole new level! Let’s

Becoming a member of Young Skal Rome

Sundhet. Karlek. Alder. Lycka. This is what Skal means. Health, friendship, long life, happiness. We had the honor of being welcomed in this important association as members of the Young Skal: such an exciting opportunity! What are Skal and Young Skal Skal is an International Association of Travel and Tourism Professionals. The first Skal Club was founded in

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells… It’s Christmas in Italy!

Yes, it is that time of the year! Lights, trees, music, sweets, gifts, shopping like pros… While all the children are filling up their gift lists, all the parents are getting crazy to organize everything. Christmas in Italy is pretty serious! THE BEGINNING OF EVERYTHING The tradition marks the beginning of Christmas Holidays on Dec 8th, with the day of “Immacolata”


You have to know that for all the Italians, APERITIVO is a MUST. "Aperitivo" is not only a simple sit and drink, it's actually much more:  it means that you are going to have a great moment! Italian aperitivo is like a tradition, it is the best part of the day for most of us. We don’t say: ‘’Let’s go out today?'' We say ''Let’s go for an aperitivo!’’. According

Italian food: 6 rules you need to remember

Italian food is famous worldwide. We are proud to share our food and recipes with the world, but you must know that we can be also a little bit touchy. (Just a little bit….) In fact, our culinary culture has some fixed – and unwritten - rules that you definitely need pay attentions to. You know, growing up with an old-fashioned Italian granny helps you a lot with

Typical Roman Habits you should be aware of

Romans are crazy. Romans are always angry. Romans are way too lazy. But we also have some shortcomings! Between all the girls in this blog, I am the only true Roman (as Elena is from the North and Kimberly and Jesse are from NYC), so no one knows better than me how much we can be annoying. We won’t change - so you’d better give up this idea -, but I can help you

Italian Coffee Culture: a Guide for Non-Italians

Some coffee insight on Italian coffee culture for non-Italians visiting Rome. First of all “ Starbucks “ does NOT exist here. There is one place that is a slight imitation of Starbucks called “ Busters Coffee“ , but this is the exception not the norm. However if you are looking for a morning coffee in Italy first off look for a sign that says “ BAR “, don’t

EcoArt is a Silver Official Vatican Museums Partner… Yea , we fancy…

Everyone knows that it's not what you know, but who you know that's important. Even better to have both! With Silver status and Vatican insider guides, EcoArt makes no compromises. What does EcoArt's Silver Status as an Official Vatican Museums Partner mean for you, you ask? Silver: Official Vatican Museums Partner Benefits for you! The Silver Lining There are 3